Easiest Way To Learn HTML5 and CSS3 Coding

Welcome to Easiest Way to Learn HTML5 and CSS3 Coding©. This is a self-paced course guaranteed to remove the veil from the mystery of Internet coding.

As the course’s title indicates, this class is intended to be easy. You may consider this course as a gateway to learning higher level Internet coding in the future. By the end of this course, you will learn enough to create web pages from scrap. This is my guarantee to you.

Hi! My name is Anil Shrivastava. I learned coding (programming) Internet pages a few years back. As you can see, I can create my own web site. You are reading one now.

In this class you will learn two Internet related languages:

  1. HTML5
  2. CSS3

To be efficient in creating web pages, you will need to learn a third language, JavaScript. I cover that in a separate class. Right now, HTML5 and CSS3 should suffice your need as a starter.

When I took classes in HTML5 and CSS3, I found it difficult to comprehend the topics because they were front heavy. I had to struggle understanding the syntax and programming structure. In this course you will start creating the web page from very start and will learn the syntax and coding as you progress.

In the end, you will have a nice template with a complete understanding of HTML5 and CSS3 languages. You will also learn additional techniques to be more creative in your future designs.

I also found it difficult to remember nomenclatures and jargons in the middle of the course, so I have included them in Lesson 1, Section 2 for familiarity with essential terms before you start writing the syntax. Please make yourself familiar with those commonly used terms because you will be using them frequently throughout this course and beyond.

In the end, you will have a nice template with a complete understanding of HTML5 and CSS3 languages. You will also learn additional techniques to be more creative in your future designs.

We ask that you purchase the course if you can. If not, we are happy to offer all lessons at no charge to you. If you do sign up for the course, please ensure that you enter your email address below.

Thank you in advance for your purchase.